Tanvi KG – Best Bridal Makeup Artist India




A lot of ladies have come up to me with a question that is, what does a primer do and do you Really need it?
Answer: A primer is mainly used to prepare the skin of makeup and to balance it. For instance, if someone has an oily skin then, primer, meant for oily skin would keep the skin surface oil free and refine the pores. A primer meant for dry skin will hydrate the skin and make it appear supple.

Primers have different purposes and one should buy the one that suits one’s needs. Primers for long stay makeup do just that. They make the makeup stay on for longer, for waging skin and give the skin a tightened look etc.

As for the answer to if you REALLY need a primer ? Well, it is completely up to you. Primers help you in balancing the skin type and provide a better surface for the makeup but it is completely upon your choice. It is like a woman asking if they REALLY need a lipstick ? It’s a person choice about how you would like to look.

Does primer make a difference ? YES…to some extent it does!

My advice will be to analyse your skin and see what needs to be corrected and then buy a primer that helps you in mitigating that problem. ALL THE BEST!

Thank You,

Tanvi KG

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