Attaining good skin before the wedding is every Bride’s dream. Here are some beauty tips on how to get glowing skin before the wedding.
Avoid Over Cleansing your face- We all want to look flawless and to do so we sometimes tend to cleanse and exfoliate our face more often than necessary. So how do you know if you’re Over-cleansing?

The uppermost layer of our skin (Epidermis) changes every 28 days. When we scrub our face using face scrubs, face buffs or sponges more than twice a week, we cause disturbance to our skin and peel off the uppermost layer prematurely. This leads to our skin becoming more sensitive to the sun, products, and pollutants. The skin looks red, inflamed and patchy. We scrub it again, thinking that it is dead skin. Actually, the skin needs time to heal and should be treated gently.
- Use Aloe Vera gel or Calamine lotion to repair the skin.
- Gentler scrubs should be used that have softer grains and avoid using too much pressure on the skin while exfoliating because exfoliaters already have grains in them that do the job.
- Use ONLY your finger tips to massage the product on the face and not the palm.
Using a facial exfoliator once a week is enough to remove dead skin cells. Always use a Sunscreen when going out in the Sun and especially on the day that you have used a face scrub. Over Scrubbing on Acne can lead to more redness on the skin and should be avoided.
Product recommendation: L’Occitane Angelica face Scrub

Tanvi KG