5 Beauty Tips For Timeless Women
1. Anti Ageing Products work but only with long term usage -
The one thing that I learnt very early on in my training as a Beauty Expert was that the purpose of anti-ageing products was to DELAY the ageing process and not STOP it. Anti-ageing products will help you in reducing the appearance of wrinkles & fine lines but not make them disappear altogether. So, set your expectations right. Secondly, the ideal age to start including anti-ageing products in your regime is not 50, not 40 but 30.
Use anti-ageing products and review your skin in 6-7 months. Do not expect overnight results. The products are meant to give your skin a gentle improvement over time. If you feel that skin is supple and hydrated and it looks more even-toned, Then you are on the right track! If you feel that the product hasn’t changed anything, it is time to change the products.