Tanvi KG – Best Bridal Makeup Artist India

5 Beauty tips for Timeless Women | Tanvi KG Makeup

5 Beauty Tips For Timeless Women

Tanvi KG Makeup
Hello ladies, 
With the intimate weddings gaining popularity, albeit because of government restrictions, I got the opportunity of doing makeup for so many Mothers of the Brides. Many Makeup Artists find working on mature skin challenging because the rules you follow are so different.  I have always had a soft spot for mature women. It could be because I have been surrounded by confident, powerful & intelligent women all my life. I have seen my grandmother, mother and mother in law,  embrace their bodies and skins with such grace that it makes me want to share my knowledge to help all timeless women to look and feel their best at whichever number they are at. 
So here are some super quick & effective tips for all Timeless Women to apply, share and enjoy. 

1. Anti Ageing Products work but only with long term usage -

The one thing that I learnt very early on in my training as a Beauty Expert was that the purpose of anti-ageing products was to DELAY the ageing process and not STOP it. Anti-ageing products will help you in reducing the appearance of wrinkles & fine lines but not make them disappear altogether. So, set your expectations right. Secondly, the ideal age to start including anti-ageing products in your regime is not 50, not 40 but 30

Use anti-ageing products and review your skin in 6-7 months. Do not expect overnight results. The products are meant to give your skin a gentle improvement over time. If you feel that skin is supple and hydrated and it looks more even-toned, Then you are on the right track! If you feel that the product hasn’t changed anything, it is time to change the products.

2. A night cream is going to take years off your face -

The most effective product in your skin care that has the power to make or break is the Night cream. Night creams are more potent than day creams. You will find that they are more concentrated than day creams and therefore more expensive. A night cream gives your skin the right boost that it needs the most. While w are asleep, our body works at repairing and restoring our cells and a night cream aids in helping the skin recover from the daily grind. 
Invest in a good night cream and apply it only after thoroughly cleansing your face and neck, Add a serum to target any skin related issue (pigmentation, dark spots, fine lines, open pores etc) to make the routine even more effective. 

3. The right texture of the Foundation can take you places -

Using the same foundation that you used when you were in your 20s is a mistake we tend to make. Our complexion lightens or darkens with age and therefore you might need to change the shade.
Secondly, as we age the skin loses its elasticity and tends to develop fine lines. When you use a foundation that is thick, it tends to look cakey. In my experience, a thin lotion textured foundation works better on mature skin. Use liquid foundations that have a sheer glow effect or opt for cream foundations at max. I would advise staying away from stick and powder formulations as much as possible. Alternatively, you could also apply your foundation sparingly and only on the areas where you need it. The trick here is to blend nicely though.

4. Eye makeup do's and don’ts -

While doing eye makeup on timeless women I follow 2 very strict rules and thankfully they seem to have worked for the last 17 years.
No. 1 – I don’t create winged eyeliner looks on timeless women because the wing gets distorted in fine lines thereby shifting the focus to the distorted wing rather than the beautiful face. Best not to extend your liner.
No. 2 – Opt for dark brown eye pencil and avoid Black. As we age our skin gets thinner and tends to make the veins and capillaries more visible. Using black kohl or eye pencil makes the face look very harsh. I always use a dark brown pencil instead of a black. 

5. What kind of facial treatments should you go for?

We all love a good face massage from time to time and somehow we have been fed this false information that facials at home and local salons lift the skin. Facials will work ONLY when your therapist is trained in using the right strokes. They can do more damage if they are using the wrong strokes ( usually the case ).
Opt for facials only if you like face massages and are confident that the therapist is well trained.
If you are looking for a treatment that actually works on your skin then I would highly recommend going for laser treatments at a good aesthetic clinic. Laser treatments are highly effective because the penetration power of a laser machine is 5 times more than a normal facial treatment. So even though you might be paying the same amount, the results vary significantly.
Treatments like Hydro facials, anti-ageing laser treatments etc are my go-to for all my skin requirements.
I hope you find these tips helpful. Please share it with your friends and family and do drop in your comments below for any questions that you might have. 
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Natasha Chaudhary
Natasha Chaudhary
3 years ago

It’s really great tricks…

Neha Singhal
Neha Singhal
3 years ago

Hey beautiful ma’am,
Your advises are too remarkable and accountable which will surely make us supper young and elegant inspite of any age bar.
Thanks for giving beautiful info, will definitely follow the same.

Thanks a ton,
Neha Singhal

Uma Nawani
Uma Nawani
3 years ago

Tips are very good dear Tanvi

Nikhil kapoof
Nikhil kapoof
3 years ago

Excellent , it’s a big help

Deepshikha Bansal
Deepshikha Bansal
3 years ago

Awesome write up and great tips !!

Navpreet Baweja Baweja
Navpreet Baweja Baweja
3 years ago

Very well explained!

3 years ago

Gr8 tips

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