5 Beauty Tips For Timeless Women
1. Anti Ageing Products work but only with long term usage -
The one thing that I learnt very early on in my training as a Beauty Expert was that the purpose of anti-ageing products was to DELAY the ageing process and not STOP it. Anti-ageing products will help you in reducing the appearance of wrinkles & fine lines but not make them disappear altogether. So, set your expectations right. Secondly, the ideal age to start including anti-ageing products in your regime is not 50, not 40 but 30.
Use anti-ageing products and review your skin in 6-7 months. Do not expect overnight results. The products are meant to give your skin a gentle improvement over time. If you feel that skin is supple and hydrated and it looks more even-toned, Then you are on the right track! If you feel that the product hasn’t changed anything, it is time to change the products.

2. A night cream is going to take years off your face -
3. The right texture of the Foundation can take you places -

4. Eye makeup do's and don’ts -

Thank you so much.
Thank you very much Neha.
Thank you very much
Thank you very much.
Thank you
Thank you. I’m glad you found them helpful.
It’s really great tricks…
Hey beautiful ma’am,
Your advises are too remarkable and accountable which will surely make us supper young and elegant inspite of any age bar.
Thanks for giving beautiful info, will definitely follow the same.
Thanks a ton,
Neha Singhal
Tips are very good dear Tanvi
Excellent , it’s a big help
Awesome write up and great tips !!
Very well explained!
Gr8 tips